Dear Friends,
Just got off the subway this morning. Ghostly in appearance: Lights half off, vending machines unplugged, escalators not moving, paper signs and police tape…it is NOT “business as usual” in Tokyo…
In the first days after the earthquake, many were too afraid to leave their apartments. While I was driving a truck of food and water to hard hit areas with Seima Aoyagi (Grace City Assistant Pastor) and Matt Chase (Mission to the World missionary), Abi called a few other mothers in the morning inviting them to come to our apartment for lunch and bring donations of food, clothing, etc. for the next truck going north. Soon all witnessed the power of women’s cell phones at work! We all still joke about it. After texting their entire network of contacts, our house was packed with donations by lunch time. After receiving permission to use the community room downstairs, that too soon filled above head height. At first, people left their apartments to bring stuff to the community room and quickly returned home. More and more people began to stay and help organize and pack, loving the vision and the community. Children drew pictures on the boxes and made origami to tape on the boxes. High school students and husbands helped load trucks even if the announcement (by cell phone) to “Load NOW!” came at midnight or 5 AM. Shop owners donated groceries, a transport company owner donated a truck, etc, etc. Our neighbors shared how they feel Grace City Church has made the neighborhood of Tsukishima strong, perhaps one of the closest and strongest communities in Tokyo. It is exactly what a church is supposed to be and do!
The earthquake has been the catalyst for many firsts for Grace City: mercy ministry, college ministry, missions trip, counseling, strong church partnerships, collaboration with non-profit organizations, intensive community development, strong connections with local leaders, and others we have not thought of yet. Despite all the heartache, through all the heartache, God is moving.
Prayer requests:
1. Pray for my family. We are energized by seeing God work so mightily through this time and passionate about the task set before us (this is why we are in Japan and when we are needed the most!), but we are also physically and emotionally tired. In fact, we were tired when the earthquake hit and were looking forward to our anniversary dinner (day of the earthquake) and then a 5 day trip without the kids. Instead we have spent the whole time apart with most conversations being business related. The stories of many in the shelters is also vivid in my mind…especially the couple who lost all three of their children in the tsunami...ages 8, 10, and 13) Pray for all the missionaries, church staff, and church members. Vehicles have made the round trip 33 times since the quake by Grace City Church Tokyo and Mission to the World missionaries and friends.
2. Pray that God would continue to move mightily in our community of Tsukishima and show himself through the hands and feet of His church. So many are getting involved in Grace City Church relief efforts and NONE of them are Christians. One man is letting us borrow his truck, a restaurant owner plans to travel north with us to cook meals, a dentist gave us toothbrushes, a doctor is negotiating the complicated system for bringing in American medical teams, a hundred housewives are collecting supplies, packing boxes, posting blogs, making rice balls, etc.
3. Pray for our health amidst the radiation. We are told tap water is too dangerous for our children but okay for adults so Abi and I are drinking it. Not possible for all of us to drink bottled water, since there is no bottled water within miles of here. Milk and other beverages are hard to get. Pray the situation will not get worse.
Thank you for supporting us and praying for us.
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