Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

VBS in Locust, NC!

I thought VBS in New York flew by fast! I can't believe it's already Thursday and there is only one day left of VBS here at our home church in Locust, NC! I (Kim) have been helping teach the 4th graders (Mackenzie's class), Triston has been a floater (helping where needed, when he can), Katie has been helping in the 1st grade class and Kristi has been helping in the Nursery. Corrie is having tons of fun with all her friends in the largest class, the Kindergartners, about 34 of them I think! Our theme this week has been "The King is Coming"! The kids have been learning about what it means to be a part of God's Kingdom, how to become part of God's Kingdom and what a wonderful privilege it is to be a part of God's Kingdom!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vacation Bible School in Queens, NY

Wow, last week blew through like a tornado! Monday morning the kids arrived, some happy to be there and some not so happy, but most of them ended up liking us:-) We had 12 adorable three year olds and two of them were new to the country and only spoke Japanese! So we learned a few more Japanese words and were able to try out the Japanese we've been trying to learn. Along with our MTW team there were also two church teams who came to New York to help with VBS. One team from Indianapolis and the other from Atlanta. So we had two teenage girls helping us with the three year olds, but they still kept us all VERY busy! Every day they loved practicing songs to sing at the closing program and we loved sharing the love of Jesus with these precious little ones.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Impatient Taxis

Click here to view this video

VBS and church planting training

Today was the beginning of the VBS we are helping with in Queens, NY and it went really well. We are teaching a 3 year olds class and we had 11 precious little ones. Triston even got to try out his Japanese because there were a couple of little fellows who didn't understand very much English! Please pray for these precious children. Today was also the first day of our church planting training. We were reminded that apart from Christ we labor in vain and we need to extend grace to others just like He has extended grace to us.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Evangelism Training

We had our first evangelism training class today and it was very interesting. We met a lot of other new MTW missionaries and our future team-mates, the Carters. We also walked all over Manhattan and got blisters on our feet, but it was still fun!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Beverly Hillbillies have arrived in New York City!

WOW is all I can say! We arrived in Manhattan today and walked up from the subway into a new world. And for those of you who have seen the movie ELF, it's true, "the yellow ones don't stop"! Triston and I (Kim) will be in New York for 10 days of church planting training. We already ate a slice of New York pizza (yum!) and tomorrow we're gonna look for a hot dog stand! Please pray for our family as we are separated, we miss the kids already:-(

Thursday, July 1, 2010


desiringGod is John Piper's website. Click here to watch a video about Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya that was posted on desiringGod's blog earlier this year.