Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Everyday Burden for Japan's Everyday Tragedy (Michael Oh)

An Everyday Burden for Japan's Everyday Tragedy

Latest MTW Update

April 26, 2011 - Help Japan Update from MTW

Thank you for your interest in the progress of our Help Japan efforts—and for your prayers.

MTW sent an Advance Needs Assessment Team (ANAT) to Japan at the end of March to see how our Disaster Response Ministry could best assist our teams in Japan. Dan Jenny, Dennis Hamilton, and Michael Behmer spent several days worshiping with the Chiba church, attending team planning meetings and conducting interviews, traveling with team members to observe their ministry in Iwaki and Sendai, and considering future opportunities. They remain available able to advise and assist remotely, as needed.

At the time of their visit, primary ministry activities involved distributing relief supplies to needy areas. It was anticipated that conditions would improve rapidly and although this has proven true overall, our teams have continued to look for overlooked segments of the population still in need of resources, building new relationships as they go from place to place. The “ministry of presence” has become as important as the initial more urgent need of supplies. MTW missionaries have been leading teams to shelters, not only with needed supplies, but hosting concerts and events that provide a glimpse of normalcy in lives that have little of their former normalcy. Many in the shelters have wept tears of gratitude. One missionary said he said he saw the atmosphere change from one that felt like a concentration camp to a celebration. It is important to feed the soul and spirit as well as the body.

Distributing supplies was labor intensive. So soon after the assessment team departed, a large number of former missionaries to Japan and their grown children, who speak the language and understand the culture, arrived to assist in the ministry and have been a great asset.

In many disaster situations that MTW responds to, we often send follow-up teams of disaster response trained personnel after the ANAT returns. Would you like to be trained and ready for future disaster situations? Disaster Response Training is a week-long course comprised of classroom time and “in the field” hands-on learning. Volunteers are trained to work safely and effectively in unstable environments and to serve those suffering from shock, pain, trauma, illness, and dislocation from their homes. If you are interested in information about MTW’s next Disaster Response training this fall, please email:

What about the future? As we mentioned last week, MTW-Japan is beginning to work out a long-term strategy which will include church planting in the area affected by the tsunami, and God seems to be opening doors as never before. Please continue to pray that God would raise up new missionaries to serve in Japan. And pray that the Lord will quickly bring in the remaining funds for approved Japan missionaries who are raising support. They are urgently needed! Jeremy and Gina Sink are long-term missionaries itinerating for Japan. Short-term and intern missionaries include Haley Lebo, Jake & Anna Claire Gee, Triston & Kim Craven, Kendrick Johnson, Jonathan & Alanna Walker, Todd & Michiyo Buckwalter, Ellie Honea, and Richie Lisenby.

Let us continue to pray together that God will keep open this day of opportunity for the gospel and that we will be enabled to respond quickly and appropriately.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Praising God for New Partners!

We are very thankful for several new individuals who have committed to partner with us recently! We have a little more than 51% of our needed monthly support pledged, but we need 100% before we can leave.

Would you please pray about partnering with us? Would you be willing to advocate for us by telling other people/churches about our need?

We are happy to travel anywhere to share with individuals, churches and/or groups about the spiritual need in Japan. Every time we share with a group of people they are amazed at the statistics about Japan (less than 0.2% are evangelical Christians out of 127 million people and 90-100 people a day commit suicide). They say they had no idea.

Japan has been in the world spotlight because of recent events, but the media quickly moves on to the next big event. The small Japanese church has responded to this disaster with love and compassion for their hurting countrymen. It will take years to recover and heal, and the Japanese church will be there every step of the way, but they are few in number.

Now is the time for the American church (the wealthiest church in the world, by far) to partner with our Japanese brothers and sisters. We have the best opportunity to reach the lost millions of Japan for Christ since WWII.

Maybe God is calling you to GO? If not, is He calling you to GIVE and PRAY?

Japan Relief Team video

The young man speaking at the end of this video is Dan Iverson's son. Dan is MTW's country director for Japan and also the Chiba team leader. (click here for video)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is Needed Now: Empathy and Availability

PCA elder and renowned artist, Makoto Fujimura, is interviewed in byFaith Magazine (the web magazine of the PCA). Click here to see the article.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update from team in Nagoya

April 14, 2011 - Update from Peter Bakelaar, MTW missionary to Japan

Dear Friends,

Up to this point, the Nagoya Team has made eight trips up to the quake-affected areas. These trips brought much needed supplies to the earthquake areas. The work is now shifting toward work teams and volunteers to come alongside those in need and offer further assistance in whatever way we can. Long term efforts will continue helping in clean-up, as well as offering emotional support and caring for the spiritual needs of the people. Recently we traveled to Kamaishi to help a local church there. Kamaishi is one of the towns that was hardest hit by the Tsunami. Our daughter Rita, as well as a nurse, another volunteer and myself traveled by van. We joined with others from our team who were already there helping with volunteers. The nurse and Rita had planned to care for the older women in an evacuation center. Plans changed and they joined us all in shoveling mud and debri to clear the front of the church. They also helped in preparing food for all the workers. It was very moving to listen to residents of Kamaishi speak of their experiences and for us to be a small part of their lives at this time. The response of the Church has really shown the ministry of the Body of Christ as each part works together and responds in love.

We appreciate your prayers and support. It truly is a team effort.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Link to Bethany Wakes Celebration Service

Below is the email from Bethany's family with the link for Bethany's Celebration Service. Please continue to pray for this dear family.

Dear loving and loyal friends,

Sometime during this week a year ago we were in the hospital chapel wondering what was wrong with Bethy and praying for her healing. At that point, she had lost half her vision, could no longer walk, but could still use her hand and move her leg slightly. Lyn has been going back through her journals a year later and this is what she wrote. ‘Beth astounded us all today. We had a special prayer time with the Hunts and Geoff in the hospital chapel and were asking God for revelation into this mysterious illness and obviously asking him to heal Beth. Bethy raised her hands and prayed; “Lord Jesus, I give you my whole life. Please use it for YOUR glory. I surrender EVERYTHING to you, Amen.” She didn’t ask for healing – only that he would use her. We were and still are amazed.’

It is encouraging to look back and see that even from this early point, Bethy set the tone. She was full of peace right from the start and while she did desire physical healing in this life, it was never her first priority. We believe he did and is still honoring that simple prayer.

Bethy’s ‘birthday party’ was a wonderful time together with those who cared for Bethy in her sickness and with many of her friends. We had a sharing time and lots of people talked about what Bethy meant to them and some of the funny things she did. It was hard but a lovely time too. We put out many of Bethy’s special things so that those who wanted to could take something of Beth’s for a keepsake. It has been hard going through her clothes and possessions. So many wonderful memories.

I am pleased to let you know we have the celebration service on the internet now. Although there is a shortened version, it was very difficult to know what to cut as there are so many special things. So if you are interested to watch it, I would go the long version and watch it in stages if you can.

Although the Celebration Service is available online, if you are unable to view it or would just like a physical copy on DVD, please forward your details on to Jacob at He will be in touch with details on how you can receive a copy of the DVD. It will probably be AU$10 plus postage. After costs, whatever money is over from the DVD’s will go towards Bethy’s Legacy with CBM.

If you would like a DVD we would also like to send you an ‘order of service’ and a pack of tissues that we handed out at the time of the service. Another option is the inclusion of 2 booklets that were available at the service; ‘If God is Good Why Do We Hurt?’ which discusses the questions we all have about pain in this life in light of God’s character. The other booklet is entitled ‘Heaven’ and offers rich insights into our eternal destiny in Christ. Both are written by pastor Randy Alcorn from Eternal Perspective Ministries which he kindly donated to us to bless our family and friends. We have a limited number of booklets left over so let Jacob know if you would like one for yourself or to hand one on to someone you have been journeying with about Bethy’s story. The DVD’s we send out will be the long version and will be done in chapters so it will be easy to move around.

Please pass this email on to anyone who has been following our journey.

It's all uploaded now. Here are the internet links:

Full Length

Shortened Version:

Update on the family.

James and Melissa both feel as though they have finally caught up to the other students at Uni due to everything that has been going on in regards to Bethy. It has been a rough start to Uni life but both of them have shown real maturity in the way they have handled it all. They both need to get their wisdom teeth surgically removed very soon. Rach is going well at school and started her orthodontic treatment that was put off all last year. She also just got the lead role of Alice in the school play Alice in Wonderland. That will keep her very busy for the next few months. Nicole is struggling to go to school at the moment. We talked to her about this and she feels like Bethy was like a really fun mummy to her, always looking out for her and she misses her terribly. Sadness comes on her often.

Next week, together with the extended family, we are going to participate in the annual Royal Children’s Hospital fund raiser ‘Run for The Kids’. We have ordered some tee-shirts with Bethy’s photo and a message thanking the hospital for all they did for us. Lyn and I are held up by your prayers.

Love to you all,

Dave and Lyn

Matt Chandler: Suffering

Watch this!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1, 2011 Update from MTW:

With the exception of the ongoing nuclear crisis, you have probably noticed that news from Japan has slowed to a trickle. There are fewer and fewer news stories; the world has moved on.

But we are grateful that God’s people are not moving on. Thank you for your continued interest and your prayers!

The following is a note written by Japan Country Director, Dan Iverson, on March 26. It has long been his practice to journal his walk with the Lord every day, but this entry was the first time he had written since the earthquake on March 11.

What a two weeks! How I need the Lord’s strength, wisdom, power, for what lies ahead. How much I need day off [on] Monday. On bullet train to Nagoya [for the graduation ceremony of one of his church members from seminary at Christ Bible Institute. Cried a little on the train as I read notes from donors for minuteman fund…

Two family members who are helping with communications also added: Please know, friends, prayer partners, and supporters that your encouragement does not go unread or unappreciated. Of course, there is no time to respond at present, but please know that the Lord is using you all to encourage a nation wrought with devastation, fear, and darkness, and through you, He brings light. Thank you so much.

Be encouraged that God is using your prayers, gifts, and love in the lives of MTW missionaries, the Japanese Church, and especially on behalf of the people of Japan.

The reality of the immense loss and change in their lives is just beginning to set in for many Japanese people who have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihood. At the same time, the work is gradually moving from relief and disaster response to recovery, and there is new reconnaissance and fact finding as well as much prayer for next steps. Thank you for continuing to stand with us in prayer—you can see how much it means to our missionaries.

Dan’s requests:
• Please pray for God’s intervention in this awful reactor situation.
• Pray that God clearly leads us to the places we are to serve long-term. We have no Presbyterian churches in that part (the tsunami-affected east coast), but [there are] other solid evangelicals we can partner with to help the region. And, Lord willing, [we want] to plant new churches.
• Continue to pray for a spiritual tsunami in the lives of the Japanese people, that God will open hearts, and many will come to confess Christ.

Our missionaries do not take you for granted. We at MTW do not take you for granted. Thank you!

Update from our teammates Michael & Cathalain Carter who just arrived in Japan on Wednesday!

One of the trucks from the Nisshin Church in Nagoya returned this morning at 5:30am this morning from Kamaishi-Iwate. This city had massive damage from tsunami.

Our team is partnering with New Life Kamaishi Church. This church has only 15 members. How can 15 members possibly reach this city? The Lord knew. The church is the ONLY place in the damaged area of the city with running water. Many many people from the damaged area have descended upon the church for help. With help from agencies including the Nisshin church in Nagoya deliveries are being made, residents being helped, and construction/clean up projects started.

This morning members of five local Nagoya Churches (inter-denominational) met at the Nisshin Church to load the seventh truck sent up north. (The second truck to Kamaishi-Iwate.) Please pray as the truck is traveling and for the members who will be gone for the next five days. Please also pray as the Nagoya team as they work to potentially create a long to partnership with this church!

The Lord is moving throughout Japan. It is amazing the amount of people coming to the churches helping and in need. Many many open doors for the Gospel!