Psalm 121
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Attempting what seems impossible, but with God ALL things are possible!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Psalm 121
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The need for Christ in Japan
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Mission to the World

"At Mission to the World we believe that God's grace, demonstrated to us in the radical love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, has the power to transform our world. Our mission is to build church-planting movements, whose energy continues to grow far into the future, long after we may be gone. Vibrant, nationally-led churches around the world will grow and multiply, transforming the culture around them."
Update to Partners
Dear Friends,
You are receiving this email because you are either currently partnering with us, have partnered with us in the past or have shown interest in partnering with us in the future.J We just want to say “Thank You Very Much” to all of you for your support, prayers and encouragement over the years. It means more to us than we can ever express. I’m sorry that this is a long email, but it does have some important information if you could find time to read it.
You haven’t received an update from us recently because our computer overheated and the hard drive was destroyed, bummer. So I’m in the process of trying to recreate my email address lists. Thankfully, most of the info (like your email addresses!) was able to be recovered and we were able to purchase a new hard drive for a good price, but I’m still experiencing some technical difficulties.J
People frequently ask us what our plans are and/or when we’re leaving for
First and foremost, we are waiting on the Lord’s timing. We don’t want to try and “rush things” and get ahead of God’s timetable, even though we are getting pretty anxious to get back on the field. God has given us this desire to “go” and He is the one who opened the door for us to go to
Second, we do have some training to complete before we can leave. If you remember from a previous update, we mentioned not needing to attend the month long training in
Third, Triston has been blessed with a job for the time being, which has helped with expenses because we have not been able to draw from our MTW account yet. The money that is being contributed currently will help meet all the “one-time need” expenses that have to be met before we can leave. So, thank you very much if you are currently contributing, it is helping us get to
Finally, we are required to have 100% of our monthly support pledged before MTW will allow us to leave for
Thanks again for EVERYTHING!! Please let us know how we can be praying for you.
In Christ,
Kim (& for Triston)